2012 Algebra I (ALG1)(03100500) 1 Credit
As presented in Grades K-8, the basic understandings of number, operation, and quantitative reasoning; patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking; geometry; measurement; and probability and statistics are essential foundations for all work in high school mathematics. Students will continue to build on this foundation as they expand their understanding through other mathematical experiences including symbolic reasoning, functions, equations, and inequalities. Students use a variety of representations (concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and technology (including, but not limited to, calculators with graphing capabilities, data collection devices, and computers) to model
mathematical situations to solve meaningful problems.
Grade: 9-12
Prerequisite: None
2021 Geometry (GEOM)(03100700) 1 Credit
As presented in Grades K-8, the basic understandings of number, operation, and quantitative reasoning; patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking; geometry; measurement; and probability and statistics are essential foundations for all work in high school mathematics. Geometry consists of the study of geometric figures of zero, one, two, and three dimensions and the relationships among them. Students study properties and relationships having to do with size, shape, location, direction, and orientation of these figures. Geometry can be used to model and represent many mathematical and real-world situations. Students perceive the connection between geometry and the real and mathematical worlds and use geometric ideas, relationships, and properties to solve problems. Students use a variety of representations (concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and technology
(including, but not limited to, calculators with graphing capabilities, data collection devices, and computers) to solve meaningful problems by representing and transforming figures and analyzing
Grade: 9-12
2027 Mathematical Models with Applications (MTHMOD)(03102400) 1 Credit
In Mathematical Models with Applications, students use algebraic, graphical, and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure, to model information, and to solve problems from various disciplines. Students use mathematical methods to model and solve real-life applied problems involving money, data, chance, patterns, music, design, and science. Students use mathematical models from algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics and connections among these to solve problems from a wide variety of advanced applications in both mathematical and non-mathematical situations. Students use a variety of representations (concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and technology
(including, but not limited to, calculators with graphing capabilities, data collection devices, and computers) to link modeling techniques and purely mathematical concepts and to solve applied problems.
Grade 10-11
Prerequisite: Algebra I
*DC refers to dual credit courses. Students earn college credit while earning high school credit.
2026 Calculus AB AP (APCALCAB)(A3100101) 1 Credit
Content requirements for Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB are prescribed in the College Board Publication Advanced Placement Course Description Mathematics. Calculus AB is primarily concerned with developing the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus and providing experience with its methods and applications. The course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calculus, with concepts, results and problems being expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally.
Grade: 12
Prerequisite: Precalculus
Additional math courses listed on the TEA website may be available through the TxVSV and TLC.